“Peak Performance begins with you taking complete responsibility for your life and everything that happens to you.”

– Brian Tracy


The Coaching journey is to help a person to act and transform in the way they wish, guiding them to go in the direction they want to go.

Coaching is about supporting individuals to create clarity and realise the potential within themselves. It’s a path that aims to improve performance and focuses on the ‘here and now’.

Coaching is an immensely powerful process and a means of developing an individual whatever their role is. If applied through an organisation it will allow the employee to be motivated and consequently, he/she will support the business to achieve peak performance.

Why should you work with a Coach?

  • To be clearer on what you want in life and fulfil your dreams
  • To commit to what actions will help you to move forward
  • To discover what is really holding you back
  • To develop better habits and become your better version
  • To believe in yourself and in the possibilities
  • To develop courage and be ready to face anything coming your way
  • To become better at time management and use your time for a life balance
  • To value yourself more and understand what keeps you going
  • To feel motivated and inspired to be at your Peak Performance

Management Coaching

  • Be more productive & engage
  • Better well-being and job satisfaction
  • Adaptation & innovation
  • Growth & development
  • More success for teams and managers

Executive Coaching

  • Heightened self-awareness
  • Heightened Emotional Intelligence
  • Social awareness
  • Improve employee engagement, retention & development
  • Clear vision & Peak Performance

Leadership Coaching

  • Empowerment
  • New insight
  • Free thinking
  • Enhanced performance
  • Improve communication

Personal Development Coaching

  • Establish and act towards a goal
  • Become more self-reliant
  • Gain more job and life satisfaction
  • Contribute more effectively to the team and the organisation
  • Take accountability for actions and commitments

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My Story

After working in the Hospitality Industry for the past 30 years, meeting amazing people and learning so many transferable skills, I have come to a new era of my life, an era of self-discovery and true purpose. My journey wasn’t always easy, and it required focus, clarity and most of all a sense of adventure and curiosity.

My transition started about 6 years ago, I had a set back and felt very ill. Sharing my struggles is not something I like to talk about, but I decided to be brave and allow myself to be vulnerable. Until this day I am not sure if I have been able to express in detail my everyday struggle, I really reached rock bottom! From a lung condition to chronic pain, inflammation, food allergies, fatigue and working on average 60 hours per week, not eating and not sleeping. One day I had a moment and felt like a switch turned on, I decided to take accountability for my actions.

The recovery period started, my focus was to be healthy again and ensure my envision of a better lifestyle was made concrete and priorities redefined. You might ask why am I telling you this? Because I made the mistake to go through this alone and believing I am strong enough to put up with anything that comes my way – but the reality is that every single part of my life was falling apart and I refused to ask for help. I did not want to admit my weakness and most of all I did not want to accept my limitations and my new reality. My life, my habits everything had to change for survival.

I now follow my passion for helping and supporting individuals to unlock their potential growth in their life by guiding and motivating them to be at their Peak Performance. As a Coach I explore individuals’ values and work towards actions and steps to fulfil dreams and be inspired to achieve their Definite Purpose in Life.

I managed to achieve and growth so much, it has come with sacrifices but I now have experienced the benefits that having a coaching can do to an individual and wished I had taking this opportunity a lot earlier in my path.

I am not for everyone, but the person I am for is ready to take control of their destiny and has no fear of transforming. Is this you?

Be Kind, Be Love, Be Life, Be You
Adriana Santoro

Get Connected

Curious? Connect and book a discovery call! Please get in touch and discover how we can work together to achieve your goals.

Phone:  +44 (0)7376 264 859 (UK) or +44 (0)7624 339 686 (IOM)
E-mail: adriana@envisionlifestyle.net

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